
4* Troia Tusan Hotel, Home of Turquoise!

     EN: Welcome to Turkey, home of turquoise! Home for Istanbul, home for Antalya, home for Cappadocia, home for Pamukkale, home for Canakkale! A second home for Romanians and a top touristic destination, Turkey attracts travelers from all over the world, thanks to its beautiful natural sites, its towns with a long history, its culture, traditions, gastronomy, its so very hospitable people, and thanks to its national brand!
     RO: Bine ati venit în Turcia, casa turcoazului! Casa pentru Istanbul, casa pentru Antalya, casa pentru Cappadocia, casa pentru Pamukkale, casa pentru Canakkale! A doua casa pentru romani si o destinatie turistica de top, Turcia atrage calatori din toate colturile lumii, atat datorita frumusetilor naturale, oraselor incarcate de istorie, culturii, traditiilor, gastronomiei, oamenilor foarte ospitalieri, cat si datorita brandului sau national!

     EN: Yet, Turkey is not a single destination. This country possesses a series of hidden jewels, and one of these is Canakkale itself! It is quite true that this city looks a lot like Istanbul due to its position between Europe and Asia, being separated by this strait named the Dardanelle. Many Romanians who travelled in Turkey may have seen this place, but they only stayed there for one night, which is not enough. They are a lot of touristic attractions in this region, and accommodation is very important , as the tourist’s choice to merge a stay with an active holiday is the perfect choice in this case!


     The solution: 4* Troia Tusan Hotel!


     In order to take advantage of a few free days on the beach and explore more of the territories bathed by the Dardanelle’s clear waters, one ought to this hotel for its very good position, and enjoy their quality services. If you dream of a real holiday, I would recommend you to go in a quiet zone, with charming landscapes. The suspense has been long enough, I think the moment has come for me to reveal the secret!

Imagini pentru troia tusan

      Source: here
     Situated in Guzelyali, 10 km south of Canakkale, 4* Troia Tusan Hotel can be seen along the pinetrees, mysteriously contrasting with the sea breeze, like it would try to awake the tourist’s curiosity. It is the perfect mix between comfort and nature!
     Strong points:
·                  ✔ A new hotel, an excellent balance between the price and the quality
·                    64 rooms with CA, TV, mini-bar, private bathroom and balcony, with a spectacular view towards the sea
·                    A garden with a lush vegetation, with many pinetrees
·                     A private beach and swimming pool
·                     A restaurant that offers specialities of the European and Turkish kitchen and a Alacarte Fish Restaurant
·                     Available rooms for non-smokers
·                     Wi-Fi available
·                      Excellent position (a region full of touristic attractions)

·                     Relaxation centers (massage, sauna, Tusan Wellness Center and fitness) and a reunions hall with a capacity of 120 seats.
·                  Own- parking area.

     And the list can be continued! I will let you discover everything yourselves!

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           Main attractions:
·                    The Trojan Horse, Canakkale
·                  Ⓞ The Kilitbahir Castle
·                     The Gokceada Isle
·                     The Dardanelle Strait
·                  Ⓞ Troy
·                    The Ida Mountain
·                  Ⓞ Bergama
·                  Ⓞ The Bozcaada Isle
·                    The Clock Tower, Canakkale

     Ⓞ The Guzelyali Beach.

    More details to be found in the following circuit that is proposed to the tourists who are eager to see this fabulous area!

    Turkey: Hidden Jewells!

   This itinerary is meant for those tourist who want to sense the breeze of the sea and are curious to discover new cities, but also to those nature loving tourists who are interested by the history of the places. One can change one’s programme at ease. The most important thing is to have fun and learn new things about this magnificent region of Turkey!

 Day 1: Bucharest – Dardanelle Strait – Guzelyali (680 km)

    You can cross Bulgaria and reach to Canakkale, stepping from Europe to Asia. This province is separated by the Dardanelle Strait, which amazes the tourist by its bright blue color. I can recommend you a very good host for the next 7 nights: the 4* Troia Tusan Hotel from Guzelyali, an excellent place where you can merge relaxation on the beach with an active holiday!
     Day 2: Guzelyali – Canakkale – Gokceada Isle – Guzelyali (160 km)
     Today you are going to explore Canakkale, a city that hides special attractions, as the Trojan Horse (brought from the Hollywood film “Troy” and Turkey’s biggest model), the Clock Tower, another symbol of the city of Canakkale and historical site, the Museum of Archeology  and the Cimenlik Park, with Cimenlik Castle and the Naval Museum. If you like, after this tour, you could go shopping in Aynali Bazaar (a symmetrical and attractive commercial area) or in Shopping Mall. The Aqua Park might be another ideea, especially if you are taking your children along. You will continue with a cruise  on the Gokceada, the largest island of Turkey, which has a rich history and many cultures! In the evening, you back to the 4* Troia Tusan Hotel .
     Day 3: Relaxation in Guzelyali (0 km)
     You can enjoy your free time om the private beach of the hotel or at the swimming pool. You could taste the Turkish traditional dishes at the restaurant or you can walk on the alleys boarded with pinetrees. Do not miss the sunset on the Guzelyali beach! The panorama is mirific!
     Day 4: Guzelyali – Troy – Bergama – Guzelyali (440 km)
     For today I recommend you to go on a trip in two historical cities: Troy and Bergama. By visiting Troy you will see a historical city, almost 5000 years old! You will see the famous Trojan Horse and the ruins of the citadel that was invaded in ward because of its strategic politics. You will continue your tip in Bergama, the place where the parchment was invented.
     Day 5: Guzelyali  – Assos – Island of Bozcaada – Guzelyali (200 km)
     Assos is another city full of history, the renowned didactic center of antiquity. These ruins are as old as the early bronze era, and the site on the Aegean Sea Coast makes this place a fabulous one, with hidden beaches and delicious sea fruit. If you are kean of wines, take a cruise on the Bozcaada, called Tenedos in the Greek mythology. The island is famous for its vineyards and, if I still haven’t convinced you to visit this place, I should add this island possesses wonderful beaches!
     Day 6: Guzelyali – Mount Ida – Guzelyali (300 km)

     You must have heard about the Mount Olympus! Its equivalent in Turkey is Mount Ida, a place full of mythical legends. They say that there has been a beauty contest right here, between Aphroditis, Hera and Athens, and the goddesses jealousy was the cause of the Trojan war. Besides history, you will see magnificent beaches, emerald green forests and a lot of springs!
     Day 7: Relaxation in Guzelyali (0 km)
     You spend your free time in the resort. Do not forget to acquire souvenirs for you and your beloved!

      Day 8: Guzelyali – The Kilitbahir Castle – Gelibolu – Bucharest (680 km)
      After this fantastic adventure on the Asian land you will come back to Europe, where you can visit the Kilitbahir Castle. The last stop must be in Gelibolu, for a visit to Gallipoli Historic National Park. This peninsula “hosted” a big war between the Turks and the Anzac, in 1915. Each year, on April 25th, the Anzac come here to celebrate the “Anzac Day”.
       In the evening you will be in Bucharest, where you will be able to she with your friends a lot of photos and great experience.

       I wish you a pleasant holiday and fully enjoy the service offered by the 4* Troia Tusan Hotel !

Imagini pentru troia tusan
Source: here


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Source: here

RO: Totusi, Turcia nu se rezuma la o singura destinatie. Aceasta tara are cateva nestemate ascunse, iar una dintre ele este chiar Canakkale! Este foarte adevarat ca orasul seamana cu Istanbul datorita asezarii intre Europa si Asia, fiind despartit tot de o stramtoare, si anume Dardanele. Multi romani care au facut turul Turciei au vazut, probabil, si acest loc, insa nu au oprit decat pentru o noapte, ceea ce nu este suficient. In aceasta regiune exista o multime de atractii turistice deosebite, iar cazarea joaca un rol foarte important, deoarece alegerea turistului de a combina un sejur cu o vacanta activa este alegerea perfecta in acest caz!

Solutia: Troia Tusan Hotel 4* !

Pentru a profita de zile libere la plaja si pentru a explora mai mult teritoriile scaldate de apele limpezi ale Dardanelelor, trebuie sa optati pentru un hotel cu o asezare buna, iar serviciile de calitate nu vor lipsi! Daca va doriti o vacanta in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, va recomand sa va retrageti intr-o zona linistita, cu privelisti incantatoare! V-am tinut destul in suspans, cred ca este momentul sa va destainui secretul!

Situat in Guzelyali , la 10 km sud de Canakkale, Troia Tusan Hotel 4* se remarca printre pini, in mod misterios, in contrast cu briza marii, pentru a starni mai mult curiozitatea turistilor. Este mixul perfect intre confort si natura!

Puncte tari:
hotel nou, la un raport calitate/pret excelent
64 camere dotate cu AC, TV, mini-bar, baie privata si balcon, cu o vedere spectaculoasa la mare
 o gradina cu vegetatie luxurianta, presarata cu pini
piscina si plaja privata
un restaurant cu specialitati din bucataria europeana si turceasca si un restaurant Alacarte Fish
camere pentru nefumatori disponibile
acces la Wi-Fi
 locatie excelenta (zona plina de atractii turistice)
centre de relaxare (masaj, sauna, Tusan Wellness Center, fitness) si sala de reuniuni, cu capacitate de 120 locuri

Si lista poate continua! Va las pe voi sa le descoperiti pe toate!

Atractii principale:
      Ⓞ Calul Troian, Canakkale
      Ⓞ Castelul Kilitbahir 
      Ⓞ Insula Gokceada
      Ⓞ Stramtoarea Dardanele
      Ⓞ Muntele Ida
      Ⓞ Bergama
      Ⓞ Insula Bozcaada

      Ⓞ Turnul cu Ceas, Canakkale
      Ⓞ Plaja din Guzelyali.

Mai multe detalii, in urmatorul circuit propus turistilor dornici sa vada aceasta zona fabuloasa! 

      Turcia: Nestemate ascunse!

Acest itinerar este dedicat turistilor care vor sa simta briza marii si sunt curiosi sa descopere orase noi, dar si turistilor care iubesc natura si sunt pasionati de istoria locurilor. Puteti sa schimbati programul dupa bunul plac. Important este sa va distrati si sa invatati lucruri noi despre aceasta zona magnifica a Turciei!


           Ziua 1: Bucuresti- Stramtoarea Dardanele- Guzelyali (680 km)
       Veti traversa Bulgaria si ajungeti la Canakkale, pasind din Europa in Asia. Aceasta provincie este despartita de Stramtoarea Dardanele, care uimeste turistii datorita albastrului sau stralucitor. Va recomand o gazda foarte buna pentru urmatoarele 7 nopti: Troia Tusan Hotel 4* din Guzelyali, un loc excelent in care puteti imbina momentele de relaxare la plaja cu o vacanta activa! 
       Ziua 2: Guzelyali- Canakkale- Insula Gokceada- Guzelyali (160 km)
       Astazi veti explora Canakkale, un oras care ascunde atractii deosebite, precum Calul Troian (care a fost adus de la filmul de la Hollywood ,,Troy,, si cel mai mare model al Turciei), Turnul cu Ceas (un alt simbol al orasului Canakkale si loc istoric, de asemenea), Muzeul Arheologic si Parcul Cimenlik, unde se afla Castelul Cimenlik si Muzeul Naval. Eventual, dupa acest tur, puteti face o sesiune de cumparaturi prin Aynali Bazaar (un spatiu comercial simetric si atragator) sau la Shopping Mall. O alta solutie ar fi Aqua Park, mai ales daca va aflati in excursie cu copiii! Continuati cu o croaziera pe Gokceada, cea mai mare insula a Turciei, care detine o istorie bogata si numeroase culturi! Seara, intoarcere la Troia Tusan Hotel 4*.
       Ziua 3 : Relaxare in Guzelyali (0 km)
       Va puteti bucura de timpul liber, mergand la plaja privata a hotelului sau la piscina. Veti putea gusta preparate traditionale turcesti direct de la restaurant sau va puteti plimba pe aleile cu pini. Nu ratati apusul de soare de pe plaja din Guzelyali! Panorama este mirifica!
       Ziua 4 : Guzelyali- Troia- Bergama- Guzelyali (440 km)
       Astazi va recomand sa faceti o incursiune in doua orase istorice: Troia si Bergama. Vizitand Troia, veti lua contact cu un oras plin de istorie, veche de aproape 5000 ani! Veti vedea celebrul Cal Troian si ruinele cetatii invadate de razboaie, din cauza pozitiei sale strategice. Continuati periplul cu Bergama, locul in care a fost inventat pergamentul!
       Ziua 5 : Guzelyali- Assos- Insula Bozcaada- Guzelyali (200 km)
       Un alt oras plin de mister este Assos, renumitul centru didactic al antichitatii. Aceste ruine dateaza din epoca bronzului timpuriu, iar asezarea pe malul Marii Egee transforma acest loc intr-unul fabulos, cu plaje ascunse si fructe de mare delicioase! Daca sunteti pasionati de vinuri, faceti o croaziera pe Bozcaada, numita Tenedos in mitologia greaca. Insula este renumita pentru podgoriile sale, iar daca inca nu v-am convins sa vedeti acest loc, trebuie sa adaug faptul ca insula are plaje minunate!
       Ziua 6 : Guzelyali- Muntele Ida- Guzelyali (300 km)

       Ati auzit, cu siguranta, de Muntele Olimp! In Turcia, echivalentul acestuia este Muntele Ida, un taram plin de legende mitologice! Se spune ca aici a avut loc un concurs de frumusete intre Afrodita, Hera si Atena, iar gelozia zeitelor ar fi declansat razboiul troian. Dincolo de istorie, veti intalni aici peisaje magnifice, paduri verzi ca smaraldul si multe izvoare!


       Ziua 7 : Relaxare in Guzelyali (0 km)

       Aveti timp liber in statiune. Nu uitati sa cumparati suveniruri pentru voi si cei dragi!

       Ziua 8 : Guzelyali- Castelul Kilitbahir- Gelibolu- Bucuresti (680 km)


       Dupa aceasta aventura fantastica pe pamant asiatic, va veti intoarce in Europa, unde puteti vizita Castelul Kilitbahir. Ultima oprire trebuie sa fie in Gelibolu, unde se afla Parcul National Istoric Gallipoli. Aceasta peninsula a fost ,,gazda,, unui razboi de proportii intre turci si anzaci, in anul 1915. In fiecare an, pe 25 aprilie, anzacii vin aici sa sarbatoreasca ,,Ziua Anzacilor,,.
Seara, veti sosi in Bucuresti, unde veti impartasi prietenilor o multime de fotografii si experiente memorabile!

Va urez vacanta placuta si sa va bucurati din plin de serviciile hotelului Troia Tusan 4*!



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